Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs)

The CC&Rs are the rules of the neighborhood. They describe the requirements and limitations about what you can do with your property. The goal of the CC&Rs is to protect, preserve, and enhance property values in the community. All residents of Cromwell Station are governed by these detailed CC&Rs. These legally binding regulations address many aspects of residency, including property transactions, maintenance and modifications.   

Unlike many communities our original CC&Rs don't directly address exterior home modifications and restrictions for things like awnings, doors, decks, fences, etc. They do however require that we appoint an Architecture Review Committee (ARC) that maintains separate rules and restrictions pertaining to the exterior of your home. For more information see the "Exterior Modifications" section of this website.

You should have received a copy of the Covenants from the title company when you purchased your home. A complete copy is also maintained on the website and can be downloaded below.  

Once opened you can use (Ctrl+F) search function to help find what you're looking for.

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